lördag 26 april 2014

Ovigd Jord

Hur kan jag nå dig min älskade,
du ligger nedbäddad i lager av snö.
Gömmer ditt ansikte i rodnad,
du vill älska men har förlorat förmågan.
Rädslan gjorde dig blind, döv,
av rädsla förlorade du förmågan att tala.
Nu spirar rotskotten i din heliga jord,
spränger tjälen i ditt bröst.
Ord outtalbara.
knappt hörbara,
från läppar av blod.
Jag mindes krigen,

fredag 25 april 2014

Colossus of Helios

Colossus of Helios bringing the world to war,
singing about his own glory to a man without sword.
Breaking new morning in land of the brave,
peoples with flags waving barricades ahead.
Now when the sun shining from a haven so blue,
the peace doves is crying from a distant aveny.
Colossus of Helios cracking down bye and bye,
feet made of clay the neck good old pie.

måndag 7 april 2014


Fog this morning, now the sun brakes through a cloudy sky, hammering from the rails.
Steam engines, compressed air, supplies to my friend.

söndag 6 april 2014


Shamans of the past talks about the future,
rivers shall be red and the sun turns into black.
Gates of Joe Hill shall be opened for you,
don't look back .
I´ll shall return like I told you.

torsdag 3 april 2014

tisdag 1 april 2014


I am a matchless writer,
a few words,
old lines on an old  parchment.
I stand here among you all,
middle of Areopagus,
recite my peace manifesto.
A sheep in wolf's clothing,
My face turns backwards.
Power comes from my people's army,